Rory Archibald, Founder, new intent


TMS. Could you tell us about yourself and your role at New Intent?

Rory Archibald. I’m a proud Scot, having been born and raised just outside of Edinburgh, the capital, where I still live today. We’re not just haggis, bagpipes, and whisky in Scotland. We have some of the world’s greatest innovators, academics, and industry leaders, which makes this small country a powerhouse for business events. This year, I celebrate 17 years in the events industry, having worked through hotels, venues, international conference centres, and destination management organisations. Throughout that time, I’ve been lucky to be heavily involved in organisations such as ICCA, PCMA, and Destinations International.

In 2022, I founded New Intent, a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) advocacy organisation for the business events community. I’m lucky to be able to attend industry events across the world, and over the years, I’ve observed DEI take a backseat in importance and an opportunity to bring DEI into the forefront to improve our industry and transform it into one that can lead the way in advocating for voices less heard and championing human rights.

TMS. As an organization, what role does New Intent play in creating positive transformation in the event industry?

Rory Archibald. The events industry is a unique one. It brings people from different backgrounds, demographics, and cultures worldwide together in one place. We champion diversity, equity, inclusion, and human rights in our industry. Imagine if every event advocated for better healthcare, universal education, eradication of poverty, gender equality, LGBTQ rights, and environmental sustainability, just as examples, in the destinations they went to. Voices from across the world constantly demanding better from governments and society. This is where the true power and opportunity for business events lie. New Intent works with partners to create education tools and resources; we speak at events across the world and curate workshops to address the challenges and opportunities for our industry to do better and, ultimately, create positive social transformation in communities across the world.

TMS. According to you, what are the major global challenges faced by the event industry?

Rory Archibald. We face the same challenges that society is currently facing. We are seeing a world in pain right now. We have the ultimate challenge our generation will face, climate change, and working out how we become part of the solution and not part of the problem. We are a long way off from being part of the solution to the climate crisis. Our industry must remove egos and work together to address our environmental impact.

Geopolitics, polarised politics, and war are the next significant challenges facing our industry and generation. We are seeing a vast humanitarian crisis that is not getting better. People evicted from their homes, families trying to escape war and terror, a reduction in human rights across the world, including in the West, and a more significant rich/poor divide that is only getting bigger.

New Intent doesn’t have the answers to these seemingly insurmountable challenges. But we do have a ray of hope. If we work together as an industry, truly work together as equals, we can do our part to lobby for change. Diversity, equity, and inclusion will be critical roles for these two challenges. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, created in 2015, is ‘a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. ‘At their core are goals specifically for DEI, demonstrating that with DEI, we cannot combat the climate crisis.
Additionally, DEI will play a critical role in helping those displaced by war, and I firmly believe our industry can play a huge role in contributing to this humanitarian crisis. In November, New Intent will launch new resources to help the events industry understand where they can help and where they have a role to play in helping contribute towards the relief of refugees.

TMS. Events have the potential to change the world. What changes do you anticipate could be brought by the global events?
Rory Archibald. The number one change is the improvement and advancement of human rights. Our industry brings thought leaders, world leaders, innovators, and industry pioneers together from across the globe. This brings incredible power and influence to enact, advocate, and demand change. Most events, associations, and corporate organisers have values that they adopt as a company in the way they treat their staff and wish to be seen by their customers/delegates. By embracing these values and advocating for them during events, we can play a more significant societal role than just economic benefit. We can improve lives and demonstrate that our industry is essential for communities worldwide.
TMS. Can you describe some of your successful endeavors in the recent years?

Rory Archibald. In September this year, we launched ‘Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: The Future of Events Pathway’ with VisitBritain. This supports the understanding and further implementation of DEI across workplaces and in event design. We are exceptionally proud of this work, which has received excellent feedback from across the industry and the partnership with VisitBritain.

A personal indulgence for a moment. After launching New Intent, I was honored to receive the Amplitude Award from the Smart Meetings Catalysts Awards. That was undoubtedly a highlight of my 2022!

TMS. Diversity, Equality/Equity are significant to promote social justice. What do organizations still need to work at to ensure welcoming all without any discrimination?

Rory Archibald. Understanding that no one is an ‘expert’ in DEI and that no one is doing this perfectly is the first starting block. To be welcoming to all without discrimination is a vision that will take continuous work and commitment from all levels of the organisation. To work towards this vision, education is vital. Educate yourself on where your organisation currently is with its DEI policies. Understand how your teams and customers feel about these policies. Implement education and workshops, create resources, and establish safe spaces for open and honest conversations where people can ask questions they may be scared to ask in other environments. I suppose the main thing here is action. Too often, we talk about DEI and a utopian future vision but leave those ideals on stage. We need to start turning talk into action and implementing policies, procedures, and structures to ensure we welcome all, we listen to all, and we create an equitable society.

TMS. Sustainability has become a social obligation for all. How do your organization ensure following Sustainable Development Goals at your events?

Rory Archibald. Controversy: no one is getting this right at present, not just in our industry but in every nation, organisation, and individual. The first step is to familiarise yourself with the UN SDGs. They are not a template to immediately apply to your strategies but a crucial tool to understand what needs to happen globally, which can help you plan your contribution to these global efforts. They affect every aspect of the events industry, from how we treat people, how we operate, and how we construct our infrastructure to working together for the greater good. Looking at each goal and setting a policy, strategy, and target against each can help you begin your journey to achieving the UN SDGs.

TMS. As a speaker at ICCA 2023, What are your thoughts on the theme of the events “It Starts With Us”?

Rory Archibald. The theme this year ‘focuses on the diverse personalities that make our global ICCA community so special. Embracing who we are and championing the personas we represent.’ Diversity is critical here, ensuring that ICCA and our congress represent our industry, protect our rights, and create a safe space for people to be their true selves. However, if you break this down to simply ‘it starts with you,’ this has real meaning. Change doesn’t happen if we wait for it. Every societal leap has begun with one person. One individual. One act of courage. Change doesn’t happen if you wait for it; change starts with you.

TMS. Any message that you would like to share with the industry?

Rory Archibald. Our industry can be a beacon of hope, equality, and humanity. If we don’t demand better for this work, who will? This is our challenge. This is our opportunity.