Boris Johnson lifts COVID-19 restrictions


Boris Johnson has declared that England’s Plan B restrictions will be phased out starting next Thursday, with required face coverings in public places and Covid passports being phased out.

The prime minister also stated that the government would stop advising individuals to work from home right now. Due to boosters and how people had adopted Plan B measures, the PM declared England was back to “Plan A.” Scientists felt the Omicron wave had peaked nationally, he told MPs.

“This is a moment we can all be proud of,” Health Secretary Sajid Javid said at a Downing Street press conference. “It serves as a reminder of what our country can do when we work together.”

But, he added, “We must learn to live with Covid in the same way we live with flu,” because the virus and future variants cannot be eradicated. Instead, “we must learn to live with Covid in the same way we live with flu.” He urged people to keep making efforts to keep the virus at bay, such as hand washing, ventilating rooms, and isolating themselves if positive – and he pressed individuals who were unvaccinated to come forward and get their shots. The prime minister remarked earlier in a statement to MPs in the House of Commons:

Mandatory Covid passports for entering nightclubs and large events would end, though organisations could choose to use the NHS Covid pass if they wished People would no longer be advised to work from home and should discuss their return to offices with employers. Face masks will no longer be mandated, though people are still advised to wear coverings in enclosed or crowded spaces and when meeting strangers
From Thursday, secondary school pupils will no longer have to wear face masks in classrooms and government guidance on their use in communal areas would be removed “shortly”

Boris Johnson stated that other announcements on reducing travel limits and restrictions on care home visits in England are likely in the coming days. The prime minister also stated that the government intends to replace the legal requirement that those who test positive for Covid self-isolate with counseling and guidance.

The present self-isolation laws will expire on March 24th. Mr. Johnson stated that he did not expect them to be renewed at that time, but that the deadline might be moved ahead if the data permitted.